Invasions by surveillance: Need for Change

The future of surveillance technology depends on the awareness by the public of the depth and regularity of surveillance invasions. The public will insist on change if they become aware of their own personal lives being affected by it. Surveillance is a serious topic because of the potential and unregulated privacy invasions which could essentially stifle our freedoms. It has been shown that companies will use our data to profile us and market products that they believe we need to purchase. (Hill) IAA has a product i-See which is used to dodge surveillance cameras in cities, but cameras are not the … Continue reading Invasions by surveillance: Need for Change

Determining What: A.I. is ART?

There is a discovery of the Wise Potato Chip manufacturing plant that, while a cluster of sliced potatoes were cooking they formed a schooner style ship. Later they learn the ship is seaworthy and the discoverer exhibits the Potato Chip Ship at the local art museum along with digital images of the Chip Ship’s maiden voyage. A three year boy visits the Chip Ship, he has a crayon in his pocket, which he takes out and not thinking about his actions he draws all over the Chip Ship’s display stand. While removing the crayon from his hand and to his … Continue reading Determining What: A.I. is ART?

“XYZ” is out to get you … maybe? or have they already gotten to you?

As we become more sophisticated with our digital technology, how will we choose to improve the quality of the product that we are creating for our “audience” the end user? Using Digital Technologies as a Medium: Film, Video, and Animation and Themes in Digital Art: Gaming is still very new to people but once we become more familiar with the end product how will we make this technology better, more interesting, more interactive all and all a better experience for the end user? Will we start digitally compiling data like Microsoft or Google does? Will we collect data as Mark Peljhan … Continue reading “XYZ” is out to get you … maybe? or have they already gotten to you?

Rapid Interactive Changes

Digital technology is changing the way that the world works. The person thinks about something they are able to access that and more information in a moment’s time. The new generations are going to expect that they get information almost immediately. They’re going to expect that information will just enter their brain and assist them, Does this mean art as we know it is going to die? I don’t think so, without artists we are a society who needs to “play it safe”. Without art we would not have the freedom to try new things. We would not be innovative … Continue reading Rapid Interactive Changes

Reel to Real

We all look at ourselves in the mirror each day to “get ready” to visually present ourselves to the community that we live, work, and breath in. We brush our teeth and wash up so we do not smell when we interact with others. All day long we make adjustments to our realities to “fit into” our surrounding environments. What is reality? The smelling un-groomed half asleep person? The policeman who stands up in court testifying? The operator of an illegal shell game on the street in New York? Reality is what our brain perceives it to be. Artists should … Continue reading Reel to Real

Secret Hand Shake – Journal #1

Digital Art to me is a means to better communication. Focusing on the “how to simplify” the endless masses of information available to us. Like cavemen drew on the walls with simply forms to tell stories, the digital age can take us back to this simple form of communication creating a global language which all cultures can embrace. It is not as easy as globally recognized icons to direct audiences to the information; it also needs to have a simple roadmap they people can intuitively follow to gain access to the new information. It is like a Starbucks. We all … Continue reading Secret Hand Shake – Journal #1

“C” Treasure

   Many emotions surface my tides as I think about the short lived career of this board. Proudly mounted on the ceiling of a taco shop by the Jersey shoreline. Telling its tale of adventure and remembering … So romantic.  Is it true? Or just a decoration created by a designer with a tight budget? I don’t know if I’ll ever know or if I want to know.  Create wonder as you wander, a bit of mystery is magic.  Continue reading “C” Treasure

Bigfoot Lives!

 Enjoying this “Big Foot” Lightning McQueen. It seems like no matter what direction I capture this toy, it gives me a different stare. This is true even with blue play dough pressed tightly into the treads of his tires. Why did I choose to take a picture of this is a gross table top mess you might ask. It is a play area that my little ones refuse to clean up. Regardless of how many times I ask them to. I figure if you can’t win the battle you could either get angry, clean it up yourself, or learn to … Continue reading Bigfoot Lives!